I like to work with what I have, so most of my projects are face lifts rather than renovations. With that being said, face lifts are an excellent and inexpensive way to breathe new life into something. Other than painting, adding framed art to a room is probably the cheapest face lift with the most dramatic effect. I like to peruse the picture frames every time I go thrifting, and I've developed quite a collection of sizes and styles over the months. At $0.50-$10 each, used picture frames are something that I like to stockpile because they're easy to customize and I always have a use for them. And sometimes they even come with an amazing picture! Check out this picture I scored for just $2! The frame was an orangey oak color and the mat was marbled blue, but I easily changed it all with a little spray paint. And bonus, it came with this gorgeous print of the Salt Lake City Temple signed by the original artist!
Never underestimate the power of a free printable! One of my favorite ways to find art for my home is to scour Pinterest for free printables. Printables will work best as an 8x10 size or smaller since that's the maximum size most home printers can handle. You can also use a mat with an 8x10 opening and mount it in a larger frame for more impact. If you're cheap and artsy like me, you can also create your own printables from your favorite quotes and sayings using design software like Adobe Illustrator. If I find a print on Etsy that I really like, or a free print that doesn't quite suit my needs, I will try to recreate it for my personal use.
I recently found a kitchen printable I wanted to use that didn't fit my decor, so I created my own. And lucky you, I've made it available as a free 5x7 AND 8x10 download! Simply print it out, stick it in a frame, and slap it on your kitchen counter for quick and easy conversions when you need to tweak recipes.

More free printables, tutorials, before & afters, and product recommendations coming soon!
xo Amanda
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